Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ladies, what do you look for in a hairdressers?

I'm doing a little survey for my studies and was wondering what are the most important aspects of a hairdressers for you? It could be things such as price, location, stylist experience, or anything which makes one salon stand out for you.

Thanks for the help!Ladies, what do you look for in a hairdressers?
I for one is very much particular about a hairdresser that I would go for.

Many people don't understand that every race has different kind of texture and it matters how knowledgeable the hairdresser is.

I am an Asian by origin so my hair texture is thick and course even if its healthy and shiny-because that's just the way my hair is.

Many of my experience with American hairdressers, they don't just seem to make it good with cutting Asian hairs.

After few years of frustrations, I finally found an American-Vietnamese lady who cuts my hair well to a T. I normally asked my former and present hairdressers which kind of style would look better on me and most of them would just say; anything would look nice on you or whatever you think is nice. Now that's stupid!

With this American-Vietnamese lady, when I ask her does this hair style suits my face and the texture of my face and she would give her honest answer because I told her so.

She charges $50.00 for a hair cut in which I always wear my hair short of pixie style.

Location is important for me because I would be willing to drive between 15-20 miles one way if its worth for my hair dresser chasing for other than that, maybe I will have to try to look for another one again.Ladies, what do you look for in a hairdressers?
The experience!

Hair styling is one thing i personally don't trust with everyone i meet. You want to be able to trust your stylist to do a good job. Weather thats by being really confident and complimentary about which styles as a stylist he thinks will suit your face shape or asking you questions and giving advice (actually seeming interested in your general happiness!)

Oh and obviously the cost is important!
Their experience, how well they work with customers, How good other customers think of them, the way the convince you do changes on your hair ( if its what the customer wants or what the stylist wants for the cash) and finally but not least the magic cutting hands (no body wants a heavy handed hair cutter or else our hair wont grow)
Serving as hairdressers is a valid livelihood

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