Saturday, August 21, 2010

Who else besides me washes their hair to go to the hairdressers?

I do - I wash it the day before.

I used to be a hairdresser and prior to that, used to be a junior and had to wash peoples hair - I don't think people realise how disgusting the smell of their greasy scalp and hair is when the hot water hits it and wafts the smell up into the nose of the poor junior!!Who else besides me washes their hair to go to the hairdressers?
I try to wash mine the night before if I am having a cut and blow dry, but if I am having a colour then the morning before, as it doesn't take so well on very clean hair.

I couldn't go with dirty hair, they ould think I was a minger!

Also, the wash before I go, I give my hair a thorough comb with the nit comb and conditioner. I have two kids school age and I am terrifed of her finding lice or eggs. i have never had them, neither have my kids, I think because I do the conditoner/comb process on them every school night, but I know if they did find any, I'd be asked to leave immediately, whatever stage my hair cut was at. I'd be mortified!

I also remove my earrings and necklaces and make sure I don't wear a collar or halter top.Who else besides me washes their hair to go to the hairdressers?
As a hairdresser - I would say there is no need to wash your hair first, unless it is really greasy, and you are having a dry/wet cut, if you are having a wash, cut and blow dry, there is nothing more satisfying then having someone walk into the salon looking rough, and leaving looking a million dollars.

My advise to you all is to not stress about it.
I normally do - and I learnt the hard way not to do it before having your hair bleached. When I had short hair I used to do an all over bleach at the hairdressers, washed my hair in the morning, went along and got bleached - ended up with blisters on my forehead and scalp! Ouchie!
Ha ha, i do too! I could not bear the thought of my hairdresser seeing me with dirty hair! Although, my friend is a hair dresser and she said she actuallyprefers it when women dont wash their hair before they come it. Its apparently more managable when its a little greasy.
I do too, and put make up on.

Well, your sat in really garish light in front of a mirror surrounded by immaculately turned out women.

I feel extra scruffy in the hairdressers, and it makes me buy extra treatments.
why would you if you are giong for a cut and blow dry i would if it was a dry cut but you are paying them to wash it, but i always do it the night before and straighten it before i go so that it looks neat and tidy
I do because my best friend is a mobile hairdresser and does my hair in my home. I do it for two reasons: 1) I have to bend over the bath and it hurts my neck and 2) It gives us more time to have a cup of tea before she dashes off to her next client.
I do, so they can just cut it and blow dry it. It saves time as I hate going to the hairdresser's. Most of the time though, they end up washing my hair again.
haha I do that too, actually I'm going today and have to jump in the shower soon before I go...I don't know why I do it, I guess so the hairdresser doesnt think I'm dirty or something
I do that before I go to the Barber. I don't like to be seen with hair that needs washing. Especially by someone that is going to touch it.
lol i do i washed it on friday morning dryed and straightened it went to hairdressers friday afternoon had it washed dryed and styled i'd be too embarassed to go with greasy hair
Well i do my hair nice to go to the hair dressers lol. i tihnk i do it to make it easier for them to cut. lol
Yeah, I always do that. I like to leave with my hair looking the best it can when I get a cut, not looking like I need a wash!

I don't use hairdressers and only colour my hair with henna (no chemicals on my scalp please)
Sometimes i do because my hairdresser chews gum while he washes my hair so im afraid it may get in my hair. Plus he has B.O. LOL!!

.:Hope this helps:.
yes, cant have my hairdresser too afraid to touch my hair! have to look as perfect as i can for looking in those sodding mirrors!
I always do. But I am only going to the barbers and I think clean hair cuts better.
hey me too...that's only because i always go to the same salon (so the hairdressers know me)
yes i do i dont want the hairdressers 2 think i dont wash my hair!!
I never do - I always wash i the day before though, so that it's not too dirty and not too clean!
Haha, sometimes I do that to make a good impression!
No, they wash it there anyway. Specially if you tell them to wash your hair.
Lol yeah :) I hate going to the hairdressers with horrible hair !
I do, don't want the hairdresser thinking I don't wash my hair lol
32 answers HOLY SHIZA!! you must be like the most sexyist thing that ever lived!!! lol
Unfortunately I do. I think it's just force of habit!
Me!!... well it would be horrible for them to have to handle a head of greasy dirty hair
yep i do coz then they think that you kept your hair nice you know , your not alone !!
No there is no point unless you are just having a dry cut!
I do.

I don't want to turn up at the hairdressers with greesy hair!

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